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© 2024 Hellenic Prosperity Fund.
We at Hellenic are everyday

Delivering for Investors

A market leader in the alternative asset investments since 2017, with a core focus on the recovery of the Greek financial markets.

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Hellenic Prosperity Fund

About us

A hedge fund operated out of New York, that is distinctively designed to exploit a singular, mispriced opportunity. The founders of HPF bring with them a history of success in recognizing, executing, and profiting from comparable asymmetrical trades during their tenure at top global hedge funds.

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Our investment strategy values the element of time, understanding that long-term perspective coupled with patience fosters the gradual and sustainable accumulation of wealth.

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Harnessing the power of asymmetry, we identify and leverage mispriced opportunities, capitalizing on the imbalances to maximize returns while minimizing risks.

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Our firm's approach to stewardship is grounded in robust risk management practices, ensuring that we grow our client's wealth responsibly and with unwavering integrity.

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”If everybody's thinking the same thing, then nobody's thinking.”

— General George S. Patton